niedziela, 26 lutego 2012


Social media as a threat not only for youth but also older people?

 The media constantly hear that the internet is an evil which must be fought. Why? Is it really has so many flaws? 

At this point, you can now confidently answer the questions asked in previous post. Everyone can have their opinions on the subject of what I hope and that there will be a big discussion on this topic :)
In my view, we humans too overusing the Internet by what we get in naług of that is hard to break. I admit that I fell into this naług.

 At this point, you can now confidently answer the questions asked in previous post. Everyone can have their opinions on the subject of what I hope and that there will be a big discussion on this topic :)
In my view, we humans too overusing the Internet by what we get in naług of that is hard to break. I admit that I fell into this naług. Probably you too. Not once I have time I turn on the computer and then go into Facebook to see what's going on in someone I could call or come and make an appointment with her ​​for coffee.
 The third question is important as the fourth question. The former concern with each other. Often it happens that a person not very popular at school or at work are offended by others such as on Facebook, our class, etc.-doing them wrong often, some are delighted by this fact. My goal is to show that not only young people in schools are exposed to such an attack, but also older people.I will show the different materials <if i find something;)> on the topic.
Of course, first started by young people, as on the persecution is most of the articles. Later, go to the elderly.

 1. Young people using the internet- that flow from the pros and cons

Young people use the Internet to communicate with others, look for important information.  Facebooko know what is happening with their friends and family. They can gain new contacts and maintain friendships with people whom we had long not seen. They can also play various games, where you talk to people from other countries. This game is such as WOW. Sam play it and I know that contact with other people is large and in addition, you can teach the language.

But there are also dark sides of the Internet. Young people on the internet cause much damage. Mostly to themselves. Often mock other people, especially peers. Has ceased to physical contact for these people and life flourished online. I found the article I suggest that young people can not life without the Internet. This is very bad. But the worse thing (about which I have already mentioned) is insulting each other by young people. At this point we are dealing with cyberbullying. Here you got a interesting link to someone post about people in internet.

And here you got a eg how young people do cyberbullying

In conclusion I think young people have lost on the Internet. Their life is about functioning in the online world and not real. There is nothing significant to them and their social networks mainly serve to offend others. Come to the harm they probably would not want to. Do not think about others or about themselves. Such people should be severely punished and denounced what they do to others.

2. How old people us internet

Older people have a problem with the Internet. The fact is that a group of people having a problem with the Internet is decreasing. As people close to help with their grandmothers willingness to learn. This is a positive aspect because such persons may communicate with loved ones by Facebook, our class and tell them how they miss. With Skype you can see a plus.
You have here an interesting example:


The downside is that the information on the Internet are often not used by them or elderly people often take up. By which sometimes lose money or other valuables. Lack of perfection in the use of the Internet makes often disastrous effect on them.

Summary older people bring more joy into social networking sites. With any good news they want to share with the world. They do not want to destroy others just live a happy and keep up with the world today. They want to have close contact with others to not feel alone.

Maybe now you rep me your opinions on this subject I'm curious what you have to say :)



What is ICT?
 Hi I would like to introduce to the beginning of how ICT is developing in Poland. But before I want to show a video explaining what is ICT :)

Computers in the world have already appeared in the XIX century. In Poland, the first computer appeared in 1958, he's name was XYZ. In the 90tyh Internet for good reappear in Polish homes. For many people, this was something new and surprising

My childhood coincided with the period. When I remember the past I see how much of that time the Internet  is different from the present as well as computers. Once, when it was a computer and the Internet on the estate was to be someone important and now the Internet and a computer is essential in every home. With the continuous development of technology we can use a variety of amenities, such as downloading a movie, music or by contacting the various social networking sites with friends. Life has become much easier thanks to ICT. 


 ICT not only helps us in everyday life. Schools also benefit from this technology every day. What children and young people gain by it? Thanks to have the ability to quickly learn. Their skills are developed. Children and young people can learn about different cultures and above all their education has become easier. They can still deepen their knowledge and in addition they can teach their parents.

We may still be active in social, political, without leaving home. At the present time there is no person that does't use the Internet in order to check something, buy or play a game. But ...

  1. Do such constant use of the Internet is good?
  2. Are we people do not fall into addiction?
  3. Is power the Internet and anonymous is that we are gives us the right to hurt others?
  4. Who is most vulnerable to the impact of the Internet people older or young people?

These and other questions are important. Why?
You will know soon   ;) 
These questions are important in the subject, who wants to start. For now, I ask you to think about these questions